Saturday, November 15, 2008

5 months old.

Grandma Fish.. This picture is for you.
He loved this bear you got for him.
he rolls all over it and covers it with drool.
Its been his new favorite thing.
Now all he needs is the Teddy Bear Picnic Book.

I love his hair.
It seriously has a mind of it's own.
This time it dried in a Mohawk.
He is so cute.

The doc. told me i should wait till he is 6 months to start him on food..
but he just wanted it so bad.
I gave in and made him some rice cereal and
I think he had more fun spitting it our of his mouth and playing with it
then actually eating it.
Dang boy!
I love all our trees near the house.
Most of the streets here in Gilroy are lined with trees and
come fall it gets so pretty.
Fall means it almost Orange time too!!
{{mmmm fresh squeezed orange juice}}
Our tree is packed full
and they are HUGE
seriously some of them are bigger than softballs.
The flowers on the orange tree smell so great
they are nice to look at too..
if i do say so my self!


Seth, Sarah and the kids said...

Seth is drooling right now......he thinks it is mean that you gloat about your orange tree.

I think Mason is adorable as always, and it is so hard to believe that he is already 5 months old! Wowzers. I love Manda.....I miss you too!

......come to Missouri. :)

Hopkins said...

yum yum! food!
hee hee...he sure is cute! I didn't know oranges were ripe in the fall, how funny! I am sure you'll enjoy them! I love ya...and I'm with Sarah, come to Missouri!

A peace of my mind said...

Yummmmm, loved those oranges. Glad Mason likes his bear. He is so cute Manda.... AND AJ! Thanks for keeping us up to date with pictures...and his growth. Love you!